Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm Walkin', Baby

Tonight is a beautiful night! I feel so happy. I'm still coughing like crazy, I still have a sore back, and what has been consuming all my thoughts, energy, and emotions lately seems not to be going the way I want it to. But, I am so blessed. I had a wonderful day with my mom, sister, brother, and niece. The sky tonight is clear and blue and clean from the rain storm. The air is crisp and refreshing. I went for a walk and had a bounce in my step and a smile on my face despite, or maybe in spite of, the fact that nothing seems to be turning out the way my heart wants it to. Here's why: I know I am loved. I know there is something in store for me far better than I could ever plan for myself. I know the heavens watch over me. I know I am a good person. I know I have spunk and fire, sensitivity and charity. I know exactly who I am. I am hopeful and I am happy. So, come what may. Things may turn out as I want them to after some time passes, or they may not. Either way, I am happy because I choose to be. I am happy because I want to be. I am happy because my Heavenly Father and His Son support me in every step I take. I am happy because I know exactly who I am.


eclaires said...

I love you, Katie! And I love your thoughts. And I love the song. Perfect choice. I'm singing out loud right now! :)

eclaires said...

The Nelson Mandela quote on your blog seemed to hit me today.

(And you DO have friends who love you. -- Thank you Jessica Andrews!)

Alanna said...

Katie, I love ya! I loved that post. It's a great reminder that we choose each day whether we are going to be happy or not. We choose how we will let things affect us! We are daughters of our Heavenly Father and he does love us and if we comprehend that it makes a world of a difference! :)

Andrea, Mrs. said...

And I love you too!

Dennis said...

Ditto the love comments from above. I'm glad you know your worth and see why we all love you too!