Saturday, October 20, 2007

Surrealism, War, and Rice

Last night Emery, Brian, Derrick, and I went to Kristine's PDC dance concert. It was Derrick's first experience with modern dance, and I think he had mixed feelings. :) I thought it was a great concert. There was a dance based on the art work of surrealist artist René Magritte. It was so intriguing. They also showed a documentary film of a movement workshop involving two modern dancers and two Iraq War veterans. I loved it. I was very interested in the part of the film when one of the dancers presented stereotypes of soldiers and the veteran reacted to her statements. One of the veterans also told of his experience marching on Baghdad. Very emotional. Kristine's dance was the last in the concert. It was titled, "Ghost Ship" and involved 100 lbs of rice being poured onto the stage. Visually it was so cool! I had a great time seeing the concert and spending time with Kristine and Adam.
Check out the University of Utah's Department of Modern Dance.
Check out Wikipedia's article on René Magritte.