Thursday, January 3, 2008

Grades & Other News

My professor agreed that the grade he gave me was too low. He had forgotten about my extra credit work I had emailed him, and he is adjusting the grade. That means I got A's in both classes! Yay! (Is it tacky for me to post that I got A's? Oh, who cares? I'm excited!)

In other grad school news:
I am trying to figure out why the university insists that everyone get re-immunized for measles and mumps. Apparently once was not good enough, but I think that once is all that most people have ever been given an MMR immunization. The university didn't make it very clear in the letter they sent, but I think I have to make an appointment to get a shot before I can start spring semester. Yuck! I used to be fine with needles - I could watch them go right into my arm with no problem. But, not-so-great experiences with giving blood, getting IVs and having surgeries has caused shots to have a negative connotation. I don't like them. Unfortunately, I have no choice here.

6th grade is in full swing again. These past two days back on track have gone well. My team, as always, is helpful and supportive, and the kids are fun. I do like teaching science -- we're studying the planets right now. I've also had fun working on persuasive essays with the kids. They're writing essays trying to convince the principal that 6th graders should be allowed to chew gum in school. In PE we are playing basketball. Fun stuff.

I've added a few more links, quotes, and pictures on my sidebar, so check them out if you want to. I'm still looking for quote ideas, so be sure to comment if you think of something funny!

There is a really strange sound outside our house right now. I heard it last night too. It's sort of like a distant airplane sound, only louder. Or maybe a trash compactor, or snow plows. Only, it hasn't snowed in the last few days. I can't figure it out. It's loud and scary. Anyone have any ideas what it could be?


Jo said...

Good for you for getting A's in both classes!!! What did Pablo originally give you? I probably shouldn't be happy with my B+, but he hated my final so bad I shouldn't complain about the grade I did get. All I care about is that I don't have to retake the class! Yeah us for finishing the first semester! Only four more to go!!! I can't wait to see you either on Monday; I also can't believe we didn't hang out at all during my winter break!!!!

laninaki said...

Hey Katie, this is Leilani. Let me just tell you that I'm impressed with your two A's. I fully earned my grade from Pablo - apparently those online quizzes really were a big deal:).