Friday, August 22, 2008

Quote of the Day

I have another funny conversation to report from my new 6th graders:

In science class today, one of the boys looked at me and said, "Miss Blunt, you look really tired today."
I patiently smiled and said, "You know, that's probably true - because I am tired today - but let me tell you something. You really should not ever tell a girl she looks tired."
Another boy looked at him and said, "That's true. You know, you really shouldn't ever say anything to a girls except, 'You look pretty.'"
The first boy responded, "Oh... You're right... Miss Blunt, you look so pretty today!"
I laughed and said, "Thank you! You are smart boys." :)

1 comment:

Alanna said...

That is really funny! The things kids say.